I needed to get a USB hard drive for transferring files to/from clients. I priced them out at the local Best Buy, and found most 512MB versions around $79. I was curious to see how much an equivalent USB drive with MP3 features would cost, and was pleasantly surprised to find the iPod Shuffle for only $20 more! For that alone, the extra cost for the functionality was worth it.
My hotel in NYC happened to overlook the Lincoln tunnel (I think?), so I was getting quite a bit of street noise in the room. Even with the heater blowing and a pillow over my head, I could still hear it. So, I picked out a soothing blend of Jazz and New Age instrumentals, loaded them in the shuffle, and was good until morning!
The Apple billboard I saw in Times Square "Give chance a chance." was very appropriate. As far as the Shuffle is concerned, I like chance!
My son saw my Shuffle, and wants to save up for one of his own, too! He's quite the artist using Garage Band, and wants to jam to his own creations.
See also: General