My friend and colleague, Tatu Saloranta has made the headlines, too!
Elliotte Rusty Harold posted the following on his blog today...
Tatu Saloranta has posted WoodStox 1.0, a free-as-in-speech (LGPL) non-validating XML processor written in Java that implements StAX API. "StAX specifies interface for standard J2ME 'pull-parsers' (as opposed to "push parser" like SAX API ones); at high-level StAX specifies 2 types (iterator and event based) readers and writers that used to access and output XML documents." WoodStox supports XML 1.0 and 1.1.
It's really great! I use it to flatten DTDs (expand all entities), and it's fast!
Way to go, Tatu!
See also: XML