"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
After 5+ years in content management consulting at Flatirons Solutions, I've decided to move on to new opportunities.
I've had a great experience with colleagues and clients and had some very cool travel opportunities! In fact, I've achieved a few of my life goals and grown professionally and personally as a result. It has been a good run.
Some of my most favorite/memorable projects include:
- Boeing Delta LPD
- John Wiley and Sons HECMS - Oxford, India, NYC
- McGraw-Hill Create
- Jeppesen
- Fidelity Investments
- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- Cerner
- McData
- Informa
- McGraw-Hill Digital Asset Library
- Harvard Business School Press
I've also had the privilege of speaking at several conferences, including:
- XML 2006
- DITA 2007 West
- OASIS Symposium 2007
- XML 2009
In fact, many of my travels can be attributed to my work at Flatirons.
I've also taken a significant role in standards as Flatirons' Standards Coordinator. I helped to create:
- DITA 1.1
- DocBook v5.0
- DITA Learning Content specialization
- DITA for the Web
- DocBook Publishers schema
- DocBook eLearning schema
I hope to continue my involvement in DocBook and standards at my new company, including a new (for me) standard: ONVIF
I'm going to be an API Architect for Pelco (http://www.pelco.com). Pelco makes high-end security cameras and systems, so I'm sure I'll be monitoring your activities soon. ;-)
To all of my former colleagues both at Sun/Oracle and Flatirons, as well as my former clients and the folks on the various standards committees: I have been honored to work along side you and get to know you. Please stay tuned here or on FaceBook to monitor my activities! Let's stay in touch!